I Used this method to quickly create a 3d model based on a terrain I built in SL (I wanted it for experimenting in VastPark and Unity)
archive of VastPark posts
VastPark – foray #2
Categories: Uncategorized2.48pm: startup windows… 2.49pm: log into publisher… delve into amazon web services for my keys and download s3 safe to make a ‘bucket’ in my new amazon account. 3.00pm: upload .x model created and uv mapped in blender… (uv texture … Continued
VastPark – foray #1
Categories: Uncategorized4.30pm: restart my laptop in windows. (hoping that cross platform support is high on the VastPark development list) 3.34pm: point browser towards VastPark beta tools download 4.36pm: download the VastPark Browser. Install. (which also automatically searches for dependencies and asks … Continued