Some notes on using ReactionGrid after SL

This post is not so much a how to, than a list of links to how to pages and other useful information. Including inventory transfer, building and scripting.

Inventory Transfer:

Since opening up the Caerleon sims on ReactionGrid, I have had a lot of questions about exporting content from Second Life to reactionGrid. This post is not so much a how to, than a list of links to how to pages. (there is plenty of stuff out there already) One important thing to consider though, is that the content you are exporting should either have been made by you, or the original creator has provided permission for the content to be exported and used on another grid (as per the TOS for ReactionGrid)

There is a ReactionGrid knowledge base article about content importing at

Maxping has an article (with video) on using meerkat to export and import builds: and also one on transferring your avatars appearance over:

Second Inventory have their own tutorials at:

** ReactionGrid ask if you are going to be bringing over a large amount of items at once using SecondInventory you give then a courtesy warning as it can be quite heavy on the servers @

building efficiency:

I will Quote Chris Hart of Reaction Grid with some tips here:

Take care with physics – OpenSim has the ODE engine, not Havok
When doing a big unlink, or when deleting a lot of prims, take your time and wait for the prims to be unlinked or deleted. This can take longer than you might think, as the code here takes a while to run through the objects in the database and update them all.
Go slower when terraforming with brushes – let the server catch up with you. Again, this is heavy I/O work on the server, so go slow but enjoy it ๐Ÿ™‚


* A few initial hints and tips from RG knowlegebase –

* OpenSim has a more extensive range of scripting languages available than SL and also a whole set of functions (OSL-functions) that are native to OpenSim, see:

* Our sims have C# scripting enables, so scripts should have their first lines either as




(avoid starting the script with any other commented lines to avoid compiler confusion)

One Final Thing:

try and get into the habbit of renaming all objects from the default ‘primitive’ then if stuff goes wrong and a database deletion is needed it is easy to find the right object..

Categories: tutorials & resources

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