OSX OpenSim local sandbox

Here is the long promised instructions for using the pre-compiled version of OpenSim provided by OsGrid to make a local sandbox version of OpenSim.

This will utilize the inbuilt database and allow you to test and build stuff on a local computer – which you could then export to a live grid such as SL or ReactionGrid…


tested (most recently) on OSX 10.6.2 and  OSgrid OpenSimulator

These instructions work for me.. It might be a good idea to do a time machine backup before ferreting around in the terminal…just in case)

1.    install mono: mono is the underlying framework that OpenSim runs on – the code that runs the code that runs openSim http://www.mono-project.com (to install you pretty much just double click and accept and put in password)
2.    download the prebuilt version of openSim from OsGrid webpage: http://www.osgrid.org/elgg/pg/utilities/software
3.    unpack and move the ‘bin’ folder to a new folder called opensim in your root user directory (ie: the folder with the little house picture and your user name)
4.    open the ‘bin’ folder by double clicking (there are LOTS of files in here be careful with the next two instructions to choose the right ones)
5.    rename the file opensim.ini to opensim.ini.osgrid
6.    rename opensim.ini.example to opensim.ini
7.    open a terminal window (applications –> utilities –> terminal)
8.    move to the right directory in the terminal by typing “cd ~/opensim/bin” (no quote marks)
9.    then type  “mono OpenSim.exe” (without the quote marks)
10.    lots of text will scrawl past then you need to add some details… The fields –> ‘new region name’ , ‘ master avatar first name’ , ‘master avatar last name’ and ‘master avatar sandbox password’ all need your attention.. The rest you can hit enter (which chooses the default)
11.    more text will scroll and it might take a minute or so, but you will end up with a command prompt saying Region (myRegionName) #
12.    login using meerkat (download from http://meerkatviewer.org/ )–> start meerkat –> choose ‘local’ in the pull down grid menu –> login using the credentials you specified above
13.    you should appear as ‘ruth’ on a small island in the middle of a large expanse of water
14.    to shutdown OpenSim go back to the terminal window and type ‘shutdown’
15.    now got to http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Server_Commands and read up on all the other stuff you can do with your local install..

** if you mess something up in step 10, the easiest thing to do is delete the file userName/opensim/bin/Regions/regions.ini and then start again at step 7.

(hope these steps are useful – but remember if any of it is unfamiliar to you to do a backup first)

Categories: Featured, Headline, tutorials & resources

6 Responses to “OSX OpenSim local sandbox”

  1. Jaime Alamo

    I’ve tried on a macbook pro running leopard 10.5.8 and it fails. Any advise?

    it gives this error message:

    21:48:44 – [APPLICATION]:
    APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs

    Exception: System.Exception: There was a SQL error or connection string configuration error when saving the region settings. This could be a bug, it could also happen if ConnectionString is defined in the [DatabaseService] section of StandaloneCommon.ini in the config_include folder. This could also happen if the config_include folder doesn’t exist or if the OpenSim.ini [Architecture] section isn’t set. If this is your first time running OpenSimulator, please restart the simulator and bug a developer to fix this! —> Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteExecutionException: SQL logic error or missing database

    Application is terminating: True

  2. andrew


    It might be a mono issue.. did mono install correctly? check in the terminal the mono version (type ‘mono -V’ ) I believe it needs to be at least 2.4 (i have 2.4.3 which works ok)


  3. Jaime Alamo

    Hi Andrew,
    Mono installed correctly.
    I have the intuition I should create a database named ‘opensim’ somewhere. Shouldn’t I?
    You said “This will utilize the inbuilt database …” is it built in macosx or in opensim?
    have I to install mysql?

  4. andrew

    as far as i can tell there are mono and sqLite issues with later versions of mono.. i think you will need to revert to an earlier version of mono.. (you don’t need to install or create a database, this method uses the inbuilt sqLite database and will create it for you during the process)


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